“The interesting thing was that his work cut across all ethnicities even though the subject matter was African-American. If you loved music and looked at the jazz painting, you could hear music. If you saw the church lady, you would hear the sermon. If you were a kid who ever looked in a window lusting after a bicycle, you’d feel that in his kid paintings. No other artist I’ve represented in 33 years was more able to touch human beings’ hearts than he did.”

Sande Webster
The Sande Webster Gallery


“Andrew Turner was what I would call a lyrical artist who created his own genre of painting, instantly recognizable, no matter what his subject was. I say, lyrical because somehow or other, his paintings seemed always to be a positive aspect of whatever scene of everyday life he was depicting. Once in a while, there might appear a touch of wistfulness, but, never ugly, mean or violent.”

Toni Nash, a true believer
Producer: “Andrew Turner, Just a man who Paints.”